The Loyal To Ash cigar subscription was created with the purpose of providing a platform for Black Owned and Women Owned boutique cigar brands to be promoted. What sets us apart from other cigar subscriptions is the fact that we only feature 1 of these brands monthly and place them alongside other premium well known hand rolled cigars to compare cigar to cigar and not pigeon hole our featured brands. Our brands want to be know for being a great cigar, not just a Black or Woman owned cigar!! That part is just for awareness and support.
Our mission is to help these brands by expanding their reach through the subscription service by providing exposure in areas of the country they may not be covering and having the consumer drive the growth by asking their local lounges to carry them.
The Loyal to Ash subscription is the product of the Puff Sip Chat cigar and whiskey lifestyle show which provides a media outlet for these brands through interviews and advertising opportunities as well as possible distribution for them!
For those Aficionados that like a great cigar and are not afraid of expanding their pallet, while supporting these boutique brands, join us! You may just find your new favorite cigar, and whiskey pairing.